We are very aware of the deprivation of liturgy and sacraments many of you are suffering at this time. As we look at our empty guest chapel day after day, we remember you and all who would like to be here to commemorate the holy days and receive the Lord, but cannot. We want to share our liturgy with you and so we are doing what we can to provide recordings online.
Unfortunately, our technological capacity is limited and we cannot provide a live-streamed liturgy. The alternatives are more labor-intensive for us and less convenient for you. For example, if we record our the Mass on a regular camcorder, it takes 2 to 3 hours of processing for every hour of footage to get it up and ready for viewing online. This is why we have limited ourselves to filming Sunday Mass, and it generally appears later in the day.
We have decided not to film the liturgies on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, since we could never process them for timely availability. We will, however, film our Easter Vigil and Easter Day Mass. Hopefully, one of these will be available for viewing by Easter Sunday afternoon, and the other by Easter Monday. We are sorry that we cannot do better, but hope that this will be of some benefit for you who wish to share in our prayer, even if a little belatedly.