“O Key of David, and scepter of the House of Israel: you open and no one can shut; you shut and no one can open; Come and lead the prisoners from the prison house, those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.”
Laudato si’ – Praise be to you ~ O Key of David!
There is no doubt that our planet earth is gradually moving into the shadow of death – yes, it may take decades or even centuries to reach a point of no return. We urgently need a Key. A Key of David, that is one like that key which in ancient times was laid on the shoulder of Eliakim committing him with a responsibility to make wise decisions for his King.
We, too, need leaders of nations who will make wise decisions and lead their people out of the pathways that lead to destruction of our earth due to the careless spoilage of that beautiful world created by God.
Some rivers can no longer clap their hands – they are too polluted.
Some mountains can no longer shout for joy anymore – for they are no longer.
The morning stars sing but cannot be seen or heard by many people – they are hidden by harmful environmental emissions.
And the monsters you made for us to play with will soon be no more.
The Polar Bears will soon have no crisp and beautiful ice to play on.
Together, with our leaders we must search deep within our hearts to find a new key – a new Key of David, a key powerful enough to “make all things new” again.
Do you hear the unlocking of a bolted door?
“O Key of David, Jesus - break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead your captive earth and people into newness.”
O Key of David, Jesus, we know you hold the keys of death and of life, for you have risen from death. We want, with all our hearts, to renew the face of our earth!
O Key of David, Jesus! Where can we find this wondrous key? How can we let you open the door of our hearts to learn new ways to renew the face of the earth? Look into the cradle of your outstretched hands –
For each day that key is given to you to open into newness all that has grown old, worn, and tarnished in your life, in our world. Listen,
“This is my body”
Praise be to you, our Key ~ Jesus! How wonderful is your treasure – far beyond our understanding.