So long desired, so long awaited, the Keystone that binds us into one, the Cornerstone of all unity: O come! Come and save the race of man, whom you fashioned from earthen clay.
As a little child, every evening my bedtime my prayer started, “Dear God, you are the loveliest, greatest, and smartest being among all beings.” This statement was enough to put me to rest and peaceful sleep.
In my teens I cherished the vision of seeing God on his white, apocalyptic horse, riding above the earth. His long hair flying in the air, his eyes like flames of fire and his clothes dipped in blood. The King of kings comes to finally rule the nations with a rod of iron.
Now, in my adult years, there is nothing more reassuring than the great Oratorio of Händel’s Messiah: The powerful voices of the chorus reach their crescendo at the words “… and He shall reign for ever and ever… forever… and ever….”
What now, God? Do you rule the nations? If yes, how, we wonder. This is a good question.
The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, will you restore the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6b). In his frustration Jesus could have answered “I told you many times that I am not going to restore the kingdom to Israel.” But that is not what he said. He gave a patient and gentle answer. He said: “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in his own authority.”
Do we not anxiously await a dramatic change in the governance of our world? With this change would come world peace, harmony, health, happiness, and prosperity. This would certainly be good news for mankind that has not known peace for thousands of years. Would it not be fair, God to give us some insight into how you manage your kingdom? We do not want sealed books, we want transparency.
We harbor the same age-old desire that drove our first parents to the tree in the middle of the garden. Shouldn’t we know all things about human affairs and decide for ourselves what is good or not good for humanity? Adam and Eve ate from the tree and instantly they knew. What did they see when their eyes were opened? They saw the world, not as you, God created it but as mankind created it. Paradise lost, chaos, murder, terrorism, hunger, worldwide calamity. What a sad vision!
O King of Kings, Jesus, where do we go from here? Will you let us go our own way, follow our own desires? Will we be the victims of our own governance? Help us to bear witness to the reality of your kingdom which is not of this world. Then one day all things shall be well.