According to St. Gertrude, Mary once looked at her with an air of severity, asking her to give her back the child of her womb as if Gertrude had not looked after him as well as Mary wished. Gertrude burst out saying: “O Mother of loving-kindness, surely the living spirit of mercy was given to you as your son for this purpose, that you might win mercy for all those in need of grace, and that your boundless love might cover over the multitude of our sins and shortcomings.
At this, the expression of that kindly lady became calm and merciful and she showed that, although she had seemed severe since my evil demanded it, her inmost being was nonetheless brimful of love, and that she was suffused through and through with the sweetness of divine love. Soon her face grew radiant while, at my feeble words, the severity she had shown vanished and a tranquil sweetness, her innate characteristic, shone forth. May your mother’s generous loving-kindness act as gracious intercessor in the presence of your mercy for all my shortcomings!”
However it was that Gertrude perceived severity in Mary, I think we can all thank God for this blessed Mother who more than any other person in heaven or on earth never ceases in any way possible, whether through tough love or soft love, to bring us closer to her Son. Look to the Star! Call upon Mary. With her for guide you will not go astray. Under her protection you have nothing to fear.