“O Root of Jesse, standing as a sign among the nations: kings will keep silence before you for whom the nations long; come and save us without delay.”
Laudato si’ – Praise be to you ~ O Root of Jesse!
There is a new cry rising from earth to heaven as deforestation continues to affect all that you, God, saw was so good when you created vegetation:
Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. Then we are told that you saw that it was good.
O Root of Jesse, to you the nations now make their prayer: Be an ensign to your people - Come and deliver us and delay no longer.
Just one shoot from an old stump renewed the line of Jesse – you, God, can do it again – you can help your people recreate all that we have spoiled, raped and neglected, polluted and destroyed. You worked hard when you first created our earth – true, you only had Wisdom at your side and now you have billions of people who will need to work with you to renew the face of the earth. Do you think you can break through the greed and hardness of our human hearts? Is there another who can work by your side and recreate the face of the earth?
We need a new and wonderous ensign for your people – a new standard bearer for your people. Starting afresh – a new shoot coming to life before it is too late – we want so much for
the heavens to rejoice and the earth be glad again – as it was in the beginning,
and for the sea and all that is within it to thunder praise again – not choke with pollution,
and the land and all that it bears to rejoice in plenty again,
and the trees of the woods to shout for joy again.
Who is this new shoot which you have promised will sprout and save us if we but listen to his way of life? We know we do not support the root, but the root supports us – but where can we find this wonderful root which will support us. Who will help us recreate our earth if we but turn to him……? To this root and offspring of David?
“O Flower (O Shoot) of Jesse’s stem, Jesus, a sign of God’s love for all peoples; keep silence no longer. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid.”
“O you, who are slow of heart. That root is deep within you, supporting you, giving you all that you need to grow. Water it daily with my love and the branches of my love will spread from your hearts to the hearts of all your brothers and sisters who are calling out to be sustained by love. Cradle your hands and you will receive nourishment daily to keep all alive within you –
“This is my body”
Take, receive and you will live and grow and warm and renew the earth with your love.”
Praise be to you, O Flower of David ~ Jesus!
How wonderful is your beauty – far beyond our understanding.