We continue rounding the bend to the third tree, posted: “O Root of Jesse! Come deliver us and delay no longer.” This tropical evergreen has many branches with glossy, leathery leaves. But, what yield is this tree bringing forth?
With smooth, green skin – is it fruit or vegetable? It seems simple enough to distinguish; yet, like many things in life, it is not always what it appears to be… Culinarians say that it is a vegetable because it is creamy and nutty flavored and not sweet and acidic. On the other hand, it develops from a flower’s ovary and has one large seed. Botanists say that it is a fruit. And, it is also called an alligator pear.
Green avocados get bumpy and black-skinned after harvest time. In fact, avocados do not ripen until handpicked. And so, they are left hanging on the tree until called for…
O Root of Jesse seedling – here you are personified in the hidden heart of the avocado fruit. You are developed from the ovary of a very special Flower and are in vivo in her soft and warm, gentle womb. Incubating in the most ideal conditions, you, little pit, are germinating and mysteriously sprouting a root! For you stem from an ancient family tree with many branches, in the line of patriarch, Jesse. This is the core of who you are…
O Root of Jesse! Come, deliver us and delay no longer. O Stem from antiquity, emerge from your incarnate reserve of energy and transplant Light and new Life into our world! Ripen humanity’s enormous potential for understanding and compassion. Son of God, here we are, your Sisters – you handpicked us! We are ready for your delivery, divine baby, do not keep us hanging…