And Woman of all Seasons. A seed is small and fragile, yet in the hands of a wise gardener, which my mother certainly was, it can be made fruitful. My mother loved trees. She cherished the habit of dedicating each newly planted tree as a gift of love to a member of the family or sometimes to a saint. When my turn came my mother promised me a little apple tree for my inspiration and delight however, since my name is Eve my mother thought it more prudent to entrust her little darling tree to the care of Mary, our Blessed Mother.
The little tree grew, and its beauty became the background for many family photos throughout all seasons of the year. Good job, Mary! What amazing work you have done, blessed Mother!
I love the tree in winter, stiff with rigor mortis when the victory of death can seem supreme. But there is the glow of a brilliant golden sun stabbing through the bare branches. I can’t help thinking: Here she is. “The woman clothed with the sun!” “Wrapped in light as in a robe!” Is it not the winter season of our human life when we know our days are counted and soon, we will enter the mystery of silence, that our heart is longing for the presence of a mother?
Stay close to us, Mary. Pray for us sinners, when the hour draws near. Help us to believe and find hope. Help us to walk our last steps by faith. Prepare us for the last revelation and the encounter with the Truth of God.
Broken people are we in a broken world. The frustrations of reality have slowed us down. We grow old and die. Where are our lives now going? What is life about and have we made a difference? Our sins are red like crimson but Mary, storm the heavens with your prayer and all sins will turn white like snow. O Wonderful Exchange! There is something magical about snow! Our lives are surrounded by miracles, mysteries and wonders. You, Mary, make our hearts come alive with the joy that we are loved. Jesus, the fruit of your womb will forever be the Face of God for us, our Savior. Blessed be He and blessed are you among all women!
O Virgin of Virgins, hold our hand until it is taken at the other side of life where we meet the incomprehensible power of love who cares for every treasured person on earth, for every creature that ever lived, is living or ever will live. The love who cares for millions and billions of moving galaxies! The Spirit of God has filled the world, and now all things are well!