Proceeding from the mouth of the Most High, from one end to the other end reaching with mighty strength, yet tenderly, with loving care disposing all things. O come! Come to teach and guide us in the right way of wisdom’s path. The Bible urges us often to seek wisdom above all things. Humans often think of wisdom as being educated or street-smart. But there is another wisdom that teaches us to trade earthly values for eternal values.
God, we say that you are glorious, praiseworthy, all-powerful, all-merciful. But there is one aspect of Your wisdom that we rarely mention: Your patience. But where is greatness in patience? And why would You need patience, almighty God? You are eternal, You have plenty of time.
In wisdom you created the world, and it was perfect. Until the sixth day… You saw that it was not good for man to be alone. So, you gave Adam someone he could relate to, a woman, Eve. But things can go wrong with relationships. Eve bites the apple; Adam caves in and soon they blame each other. This was the day when trouble was created and Divine Wisdom invented Patience.
God, if it were not for Your Divine Patience, the world would pass away with great boom. You put up with our arrogance and stupidity. You look with patience at the insane disorder of our daily lives and the history of the world.
God, it would be so easy for you to give peace to every nation and every home where parents are loving, and children beautifully brought up. Homes filled with joy. It would be so easy for you to run the world in perfect order.
But what is Divine Wisdom saying? My power is made perfect in weakness. Woe the man who does not see the value in the imperfect and incomplete, for whom the sick, weak and the unborn have no right to exist. Such a one, says Divine Wisdom, will be destroyed by his own impatience.
O Eternal Wisdom,Jesus, revelation of God’s incredible patience, you became flesh as we are flesh. You suffer all the misery that mankind can suffer but, with your mercy and patience, the world is not doomed, and therefore one day all things shall be well.