The Life of Anthony: The Coptic Life and the Greek Life, by Athanasius, trans. Tim Vivian & Apostolos Athanassakis (CS 202)
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical Collection, trans. Benedicta Ward
Palladius of Aspuna: The Lausiac History, trans. John Wortley (CS 252)
The Institutes, by John Cassian, trans. Boniface Ramsey
RB 1980: The Rule of St. Benedict in Latin and English with Notes, trans. Timothy Fry
Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict, by Michael Casey
Charter of Charity (Description of Relationship between Monasteries)
Hidden Springs: Cistercian Monastic Women, eds. Lilian Thomas Shank OCSO and John A. Nichols (CS 113A/B)
Armand-Jean De Rance, Abbot of La Trappe: His Influence in the Cloister and the World, by A.J. Kreilsheimer
A Monastic Odyssey, by Marie de La Trinite Kervingant, trans. Jean Holman (CS 171)
OCSO Constitutions (1990)
Monastic Practices, by Charles Cummings (CS 75)
The Cistercian Way, by Andre Louf (CS 76)
Centered On Christ: A Guide to Monastic Profession, by Augustine Roberts (MW 5)